"I left your phone and wallet so I hope that slightly makes up for something."
A pic of the email has gone viral on Twitter
A thief has become an unlikely social media star after stealing a laptop and writing an apology note to the student he stole it from. A Twitter user who goes by the name Stevie Valentine shared a pic of the email that his flatmate received from the thief who stole his laptop - and the bizarrely endearing email has gone viral online.
In the email, not only did the thief apologise profusely for stealing the laptop, he even offered to forward any assignments or university work that the student might have on the laptop.
"I am very very sorry for taking your laptop I am extremely poor and needed the money," read the unsigned email. "I left your phone and wallet so I hope that slightly makes up for something."
The thief then offered to forward any files such as university work that the poor ex-owner of the laptop might need.
Read the email below:
Since being shared online, the thief's bizarre email with its generous offer has managed to gain the sympathy of some, and the amusement of others. The tweet, posted yesterday, has already collected over 59,000 retweets and over 1.8 lakh 'likes'.
Here are some of the best reactions to the email.
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